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The Entrepreneurs' Forum


It is very difficult to obtain information about relevant topics concerning entrepreneurs in Dominica. Not necessarily because the information is unavailable but primarily because those in most need of it do not know where to look and often depending on where the information is, or who has access to it, it may not be easily disseminated.

This poses a problem for entrepreneurs and those interested in entrepreneurism making the idea of owning a business a seemingly daunting and even an insurmountable task. As persons either abandon the mission or pursue it in a less advisable manner causing difficulties in a number of areas when the enterprise starts to expand and relevant documentation becomes necessary.

'world is a global market', this phrase is often used to indicate the ease of access to services outside of Dominica. The reverse is just as true and needs to be emphasized that we in Dominica are able to access the markets outside of Dominica. But we need to be prepared to do so. We do not want to be reactive and to be putting procedures in place when there is the access. Let’s be ready to do that now so when opportunities come through we are already in position to act.

'The Entrepreneurs’ Forum’ is an event organized and hosted by Royal Globe Inc. to make information readily available to entrepreneurs. To bring together various stakeholders so entrepreneurs can be educated about the various processes applicable to business ownership - the who, what, where and how of business operations to ensure smooth transition from Small Business operating only in Dominica to Dominican business serving a global market


What is it?

'The Entrepreneurs’ Forum' is a bimonthly event, i.e. happening every second Tuesday every two months, which was launched by Royal Globe Inc. February 2019. It is a program for entrepreneurs and persons considering entrepreneurism that provides information, support and connects or informs entrepreneurs with opportunities that will enhance their personal or company growth.



  1. The purpose of the forum is to help educate entrepreneurs on relevant subjects to help them build sound businesses that are well able to compete, even not in size, but in quality and operations globally. 
  1. To create a platform where entrepreneurs can share as well as receive information on opportunities in Dominica, the region, and other parts of the world 
  1. To connect local companies with regional and international organizations that can support their ventures


 Who can attend?

The Entrepreneur's Forum is an event for entrepreneurs at any stage of business as well as persons hoping to become entrepreneurs.

Interested persons must RSVP to attend


What is the cost to attend The Entrepreneurs' Forum?

Single Event Fee - US$29

Annual Fee  - US$154


Register to attend:

Registration Form











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